Joachim Weichselbaumer

• ADVISORYScientific Advisor / Business psychologist / Speechwriter for board members of corporate groups in various fields, for a board member of a Fortune 500 Company (details on request), for civil servants (e.g. for the President of a European patent office), and for politicians (e.g. for the Vice Chancellor of a State of the European Union)- Cognitive Ergonomics
- Design Psychology
- Business Psychology
- Scientific AdvisoryEducation
Doctorates in both Theory of Science (Epistemology) and Psychology, graduated from the University of Vienna, Austria, Institute of Theoretical Science (Institut für Wissenschaftstheorie, Sensengasse) and Institute of Psychology, 1995. Doctorate supervisors Herbert Pietschmann, Franz Wuketits, Erich Vanecek, Erich Kirchler, philosophical thesis advisor Konrad Paul Liessmann, completed university seminars with Norbert Leser and Viktor E. Frankl.Keynote address 2016: Bratislava (pdf 424 Kb)
• ENTREPRENEURIALActivities in Product Design, Music, Photography and Keynote Speaking alias “JIM LIOGY”LIOGY lounge furniture brand featured as "Video of the day" with US TrendHunter Magazine in January 2012 and tweeted by Jeremy Gutsche. NEWS: LIOGY LOUNGER featured in the hardcover book "Ergonomics in Product Design” alongside brands like Samsung, Alessi, Kensington, Karim Rashid, etc.

Trademarks and Design Patents registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office: LIOGY, Registration Number 3892882, MASTERDREAM PRODUCTIONS, Registration Number 4058334, Design Patent Numbers US D644,033 S, US D644,034 S, US D643,637 S, US D643,638 S, and registered Trademarks and /or Design Patents in countries on 5 continents including China, Russia, India, Australia, Canada, EU, Norway, Monaco, Hong Kong. Interview 2014
Kontakt/Impressum Mag.DDr. Joachim Weichselbaumer
| Mahlerstrasse 13 / DG19 |
1010 Wien | Austria office (et) liogy . com | + 43 1 315 - 199 - 0
| US contact option (Business Center Office) Joachim Weichselbaumer 580 Fifth Avenue, #820, New York City, NY 10036
Phone +1 (212) 465 3326 Fax +1 (212) 465 3328
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